jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


Die schöne Müllerin (D. 795): I. Das Wandern 00:00 II. Wohin? 02:42 III. Halt! 04:57 IV. Danksangung an den Bach 06:33 V. Am Feierabend 08:55 VI. Der Neugierige 11:34 VII. Ungedulg 15:37 VIII. Morgengruss 18:18 IX. Der Müllers Blumen 22:20 X. Tränenregen 25:59 XI. Mein! 29:58 XII. Pause 32:19 XIII. Mit dem grünen Lautenbande 36:44 XIV. Der Jäger 38:37 XV. Einfersucht und Stolz 39:42 XVI. Die liebe Farbe 41:22 XVII. Die böse Farbe 45:56 XVIII. Trockne Blumen 48:01 XIX. Der Müller und der Bach 51:50 XX. Des Baches Wiegenlied 55:52 Schubert, Franz (1797-1828) -composer Jonas Kaufmann-tenor Helmut Deutsch-piano +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Die schöne Müllerin ( D. 795), is a song cycle by Franz Schubert on poems by Wilhelm Müller. It is the earliest extended song cycle to be widely performed. The work is considered one of Schubert's most important, and it is widely performed and recorded. Die schöne Müllerin is performed by a pianist and a solo singer. The vocal part falls in the range of a tenor or soprano voice, but is often sung by other voices, transposed to a lower range. Since the story of the cycle is about a young man, the work is most often sung by men. The piano part bears much of the expressive burden of the work, and is only seldom a mere "accompaniment" to the singer. A typical performance lasts around sixty to seventy minutes.

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