sábado, 29 de junio de 2013


EL 27 DE JUNIO SE CONMEMORO OTRO ANIVERSARIO DEL NACIMIENTO DE LA GRAN SOPRANO ANNA MOFFO . SI BIEN ANNA ES MAS QUE UNA CANTANTE .ES UNA ARTISTA INTEGRAL ES TRASCENDENTE EL HACHO DE QUE SUPO CONSQUISTAR EL AFECTO DEL PUBLICO DE TODOS LOS TEATROS DONDE ACTUO Y , EN ESPECIAL , EN EL TEATRO COLON DE BUENOS AIRES . LA RECORDAMOS CON ADMIRACION Y CON AMOR Y SU ESTELA LUMINOSA NOS SIGUE SUBYUGANDO Y ENVOLVIENDONOS COMO AYER Y SIEMPRE . RITA AMODEI P.S :Ç ESTE BLOG REINICIA SUS ACTIVIDADES EL 6 DE JULIO 2013 . Giacomo Puccini Turandot * Umilmente, il mio parere personale Il miglior trio per il capolavoro di Puccini. Nilsson è una Turandot Reale, Corelli spruzzato tutti i suoi concorrenti e la bellissima Anna Moffo è sublime *Wiki "The opera was unfinished at the time of Puccini's death in 1924 and was completed by Franco Alfano in 1926. The first performance was held at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan on April 25, 1926 and conducted by Arturo Toscanini. This performance included only Puccini's music and not Alfano's additions. The first performance of the opera as completed by Alfano was the following night, 26 April, although it is disputed whether this was conducted by Toscanini again or by Ettore Panizza." Turandot..........Birgit Nilsson Calàf.............Franco Corelli Liù...............Anna Moffo Timur.............Bonaldo Giaiotti Ping..............Frank Guarrera Pang..............Robert Nagy Pong..............Charles Anthony Emperor Altoum....Alessio De Paolis Mandarin..........Calvin Marsh Orchestra & Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera Leopold Stokowski, conductor Recorded Live, 4 March 1961 Metropolitan Opera, New York. ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++

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